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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec maximus blandit nisl, vel tincidunt ligula facilisis at. Nam facilisis leo sit amet mollis tincidunt. Cras in vehicula quam, a finibus augue. Mauris gravida mauris vitae lectus vestibulum pretium. Donec vestibulum nulla pellentesque tellus scelerisque ornare. Ut vulputate magna id tortor iaculis consequat. Quisque molestie ex arcu, sit amet mollis mauris cursus nec. Fusce tempor magna maximus, feugiat odio eget, consequat tortor.

Aenean semper convallis consequat. Sed nisl dui, facilisis cursus felis nec, vehicula viverra arcu. Nunc sed nisl nec justo luctus sodales cursus eu purus. Nam pulvinar, leo at sollicitudin tempus, libero ipsum porta elit, ac maximus sapien erat nec purus. Morbi eget metus ornare, scelerisque nisl eu, viverra mi. Vestibulum vitae arcu elit. Phasellus ullamcorper ligula ut mauris semper, in venenatis quam rutrum. Fusce quis pellentesque tellus.


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I’m Sandra Ochoa

I help families sleep and new moms thrive

My journey as a sleep consultant began when I became a mom of twins in 2016 and experienced sleep deprivation. 

Since then, I’m have supported hundred of moms to enjoy and care for their babies while getting the whole family happy and well rested. 

I implement a Holistic Approach that analyzes all the factors that can interfere with sleep and provides sleep solutions that come from a place of love and connection

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